Olsen Twins Launch their New Handbag Line at Barneys – Honey Replica Handbags – Brands Designers Handbags And New Products

Adding to their $1 billion in retail sales a year, the Olsens are bringing in handbags to their fashion fashion collection. Although these pieces will not be available until August, earlier this week, their designs were shown on Barneys website and premiered nine types of handbags: from totes, backpacks, and laptop bags, the materials range from calf leathers and exotics.

Don’t take my word for how amazing these bags already sound; Barneys describe the bags as “sleek and sophisticated, blending old-world glamor with contemporary chic.” This style has been the way The Row has been come to be defined. As such icons of fashion, they’ve also launched their own T-shirt website, StyleMint.com, where not only do they allow their shoppers to create pieces based on their own style, but also provide personal fashion advice. The shirts are designed by the Olsens and they send their fans a new one for $29.99 per month.