Hip-Hop–Loving Fashion Writer Marcus Holmlund’s Vintage Den – Honey Replica Handbags – Brands Designers Handbags And New Products

New York City has more stores than anyone could physically tackle, but somehow we always keep returning to the usual suspects. To break out of the rut, we've asked some local shopping and fashion gurus to provide their hidden retail gems—those unique stores around our fantastic city that we might not all know about. Cue the Beatles: We're about to get a little help from our friends.

A good friend of mine introduced me to The New World Order when she got a job there during our days at Parsons. In my opinion, it is, to this day, by far the best curated vintage designer shop in the city due to the fact that it's owned by stylist Renee Bejil, who has similar taste to mine and has the hookup with many a Parisian fashion house. I got an incredible sheer ruffled button-down from Hedi Slimane's second last season at Dior Homme along with a couple of crazy retro caftans by lesser-known, hard-to-find 70's designers. I suppose the secret's out!