Blogger Kelly Oxford Picked a Fight with the Man Repeller

Over the weekend, Kelly Oxford, hyper-Twitterer as well as the 99% newest champion, referred to as out Leandra Medine, aka The dude Repeller, for featuring outfits at a price tag phase outside Medine's minions' range. Oxford has granted that eliminated her available letter from her blog, but to not worry, the internet is forever. In her post, she argued that Medine is speaking toward the "mid-western woman who buys Vogue and hits the thrift store and loves Alexa Chung" and that woman isn't packing the wallet to support this sort of high-end repelling.

Medine responded along the lines of "I get discounts and presents and stuff." She also said, "The website is about very good fashion. Not about how appreciably you need to devote or to not produce an outfit work. I've usually intended to inspire viewers to try the variations I show and make them their own. When people research Vogue they don't think: okay.